Monocouche scratch render

Krend or Parex is used for this.

Looking for a low-cost Monocouche scratch render? It is available in a variety of colors, so you will be able to find one that is a perfect match for you! Typically, two coats of Monocouche scratch render are applied. The first coat is 8-10mm thick, with a fiberglass mesh sunk within it. This gives the system flexibility and strength. The second layer is applied after the first layer has gone off but not completely cured. The total thickness would be approximately 18mm, with the top 2mm scratched back to provide the finish.

This product can be applied as a single coat over blockwork or more commonly over the fiberglass reinforced basecoat. It is then rubbed up using a scratch pad to give a flat textured finish.

We have years of experience, so you are in good hands! Monocouche scratch render is both durable and low-maintenance. If you don’t want a painted wall, this is a great option because the cement has a lot of pigmentation and you can choose the colour you want!

This has a very aesthetically pleasing finish and is available in a variety of colours for you to pick from. Krend or Parex are used as they create some of the leading products, however, if you are after a match to existing we are trained to use all the scratch renders.

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